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CP School & Early Years
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Our fees are £6.75 an hour.  The food and snack contribution fee is £1 a session.


Nursery Education Funded Sessions

Parents can apply for Nursery Education Grant to give their child up to 15 or 30 free hours of nursery education a week at preschools. The nursery access these universal hours during morning sessions between 9 am and 12 noon each day. Universal hours funding will be automatically applied to your child in the term AFTER they are 3 years old.  If your child attends more than two settings the County Council will allocate the free 15 or 30 universal hours according to their rules.  This allocation will be indicated on your invoice. Any extra hours will be charged at normal fee rate. 


If parents wish to access the 15 hours of extended funding to top up their 15 universal hours (totalling 30 hours of funding) parents can apply for an eligibility code via the government website

Tibberton Early Years offers 15 free hours for children in the term after they are three years old, from 9am to 12 noon, Monday to Friday.



Your child can do more hours than their free entitlement and these will be charged at the normal hourly rate.


Our Administrator - deals with waiting lists, invoices etc.

TEYadmin@tibberton.gloucs.sch.uk or 01452 790469


Bursary and Pupil Premium

At Tibberton Early Years it is our intention to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. There are two ways we can do this:-


  • Bursary funded by Friends and Relatives of Tibberton Early Years

  • Pupil Premium funded by the LA.


The Childcare Choices website has some really useful information for parents regarding Government Funded Entitlements and Tax Free Childcare. You could be eligible for government help with childcare costs. Find out more here: https://childcarechoices.gov.uk