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At Tibberton we have the most brilliant support team in our PTFA. 

They arrange lots of fundraisers for the school and support the school in funding resources and experiences to enhance the children's learning eg   new laptops, mud kitchens and wooden cubes for the field and a whole host of science equipment.


Latest News - November 2023

The PTFA Bonfire night was absolutely amazing and a huge success! Thank you to the PTFA and volunteers for their hard work and dedication, and to the sponsors for helping with this fundraiser. The PTFA have worked so hard these last few months with their fundraising. They have held Break the Rules day, the Halloween Disco and Bonfire night and are pleased to announce that they can add another £7000 into the 'Playground Fund' bringing the total so far this year to a massive £12,000! This would not have been possible though without our fantastic school community for supporting every event they organise, so thank you so much. Please continue to support the next up and coming events to raise the total some more. Tickets are still available for the wreath-making workshop on Friday 1st December and they are now in preparations for the PTFA panto on December 8th and the Christmas stall—watch this space! 



Tibberton CP School PTFA 12 month review September 22 - September 23 The last 12 months has again been incredibly successful for Tibberton PTFA, raising an amazing £11,000!! This is all down to the hard work and dedication of the PTFA team and volunteers, who have put so much time and effort into making each event a success - I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their support.


We started the year with a bang, albeit unknown territory with the PTFA Bonfire night. We had no idea what to expect, but we weren’t disappointed. People came!! They had fun! It was a huge success and hopefully the restart of a Tibberton tradition!


The children enjoyed a Christmas disco and the Gift workshop, then in the new year the Quiz night, all which were well supported by parents and locals.


Summer arrived with refreshments cakes and pastries at sports day, the Summer Fayre and another big unknown, the Beer Festival, all three being fun and profitable events where people came and had a great time.


There are other ways you have been supporting the school too, donating to the clothes bank in the school car park raised £152 and the school Lottery has raised £1248!


The proceeds from these events enabled us to contribute £300 to each class, including nursery, allowing the teachers to buy valuable resources to enhance our children’s learning. Adding to this, we bought a Visualiser, Toni for nursery and two listening stations for KS1 and KS2. We donated £580 to the school hardship fund that makes school trips etc more affordable for everyone. Lastly, I’m pleased to say, we were able to put £5000 towards the approx. £20,000 required to replace the existing playground surface and equipment, both of which are in desperate need of attention.


As you can see, the importance of the PTFA can’t be underestimated and we fully appreciate everyone’s generosity, not just in supporting and donating but volunteering your precious time too.


Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard this year, raising money for our school and helping us achieve our goals and beyond!


Here’s to another busy and successful year of fundraising and we look forward to seeing the children at the Break the Rules day and all of you at the Halloween disco on the 26th October and the Fireworks on the 4th November.


Please keep an eye on the Newsletter for other upcoming events.


Thanks Lynn Baker (outgoing Chair)


If you'd like to get involved please speak to one of the active members in the playground, email ptfa@Tibberton.gloucs.sch.uk or get in touch through their Facebook page Tibberton School PTFA.