Phonics and Reading

Our Phonics Scheme

Tibberton CP school and Early Years follows a phonic scheme, (teaching of sounds and letters).  This scheme uses  the  Super Sonic Phonics scheme (started in Sept 2022).  This is a comprehensive scheme that covers the phonics children need to learn to promote success in reading and writing.

You can find out more about Super Sonic Friends Phonics here.

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All About Reading

Reading at home resources

Virtual Library - from this document you can view a selection of online stories

Recommended reads for each age group can be found here:



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Reading Ambassadors

The role of the Reading Ambassadors at Tibberton is to promote the love of reading within our school. Each ambassador has been chosen due to their passion for reading and enthusiasm about books, authors and genres.


The Reading Ambassadors will fulfil a range of roles across school, including class book areas and other book spaces around the building presentable and engaging; hold regular Storytime sessions on the playground at lunchtimes; support pupils in their class with book choices and promote a love of reading a range of books by sharing book reviews with the whole school through the school newsletter.


This is only the beginning of the roles the Reading Ambassadors will engage in. We will continuously share what they do and how they further engage the school in enhancing their love of books and reading.

Our Reading Ambassadors